The year 2022 was financially challenging for many – rampant inflation is biting more and more of many Austrians’ income. Every year, there will be a little relief for employees starting March 1: Depending on the case, you can get some back from the state via tax equalization. In addition, electricity will become cheaper again, and pensioners can look forward to a pensioner bonus of up to 500 euros—the most important relief in March at a glance.
For the first time, people with low incomes (up to 24,500 euros per year) can benefit from the so-called cost-of-living deduction of 500 euros. It is automatically taken into account in the relevant cases, so you do not have to apply for it separately. The premise for the income above limits will automatically apply for the assessment year 2022.
The Family Bonus Plus now allows families to get back up to 2,000 euros per child under 18 instead of 1,500 euros. For older children over 18, there is now also an additional 100 euros, up to 650 euros. This is a deductible amount – you can only make your claim valid if you have also paid taxes. For low-income earners and single parents who pay little or no taxes, there is the “Kindermehrbetrag.” This will increase this year from 300 to 550 euros per child.
Due to the sharp rise in fuel prices, the commuter allowance will also be adjusted. From May to December 2022, there will be a 50 percent increase, while the commuter allowance has even been quadrupled.
Cigarettes of the tobacco company JTI, to which brands such as Camel, My Variety or Benson&Hedges belong, will increase cigarette prices by 30 cents per pack as of March 1 (“Today” reported). According to the Monopoly Administration (MVG), other manufacturers will follow suit. Altria Group (Philip Morris), with highly popular brands such as Marlboro and Chesterfield, is also following suit.
With 1. March cost Marlboro, Chesterfield, Camel and many more, around 50 cents more than still in March 2022. At that time, a packing Chesterfield 20 pieces cost 5,30 euros, Marlboro 5,80 euros. With 1. May the Tschickpreise been raised around 20 cents, now, ten months later, equal again around 30 cents.
The electricity grid fees, which account for around one-third of the total electricity bill, will fall again from March 1. The higher charges were due to the electricity price increases in the electricity markets, which impacted the grid charges. In February 2023, a law was passed to absorb around 80 percent of the gains. About 558 million euros will be made available by the federal government for this purpose.
The average household’s cost increase will be reduced from 9 euros to around 2 euros per month.
Breathe a sigh of relief for many Viennese: stricter Corona rules used to apply in the capital of 2 million people than in the countryside. Experts agreed this was necessary with so many people living in such a small area. But now the last masks are falling here, too – the Corona figures allow it. On March 1, the mask obligation in public transport and pharmacies ends in Vienna. In addition, the testing obligation for hospitals, older adults’ homes and nursing homes end. The currently applicable visitor regulations, as well as Covid screening for employees, are also over. But mouthguards are not over everywhere. The masking requirement in doctors’ offices, hospitals and nursing homes is not scheduled to end until April 30.
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